What To Do
In An Emergency

  1. Contact Veterinary Clinic to describe the problem, if possible. This also allows our team to be ready for your case upon arrival.
  2. Be safe. Pets or wildlife in distress may act aggressively. For your protection we may recommend that you wrap your pet’s head in a cloth or towel to restrain his mouth and help keep him calm. Always remember to keep his airway open while doing so.
Contact Us

Is Your Pet Having an Emergency?

Get quality emergency care when you need it! Our clinic is open at night and on holidays.
0 800 555 22 11

Our Veterinarians

Evalyn Sauceda
Evalyn Sauceda
Veterinary Certification Program Intern
Raeann Albarado
Raeann Albarado
Veterinary Certification Program Intern
Megan Mooty
Megan Mooty
Veterinary Certification Program Intern
Love Your Pet

Taking Care Of Your Pet

When you choose the veterinarians at Tails Veterinary Clinic to be your
pet care partner, you can be assured your pet is receiving the most advanced
veterinary care from experienced pet care providers.
Satisfied Clients
Healthy Pets
Best Veterinars


Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sat 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Sunday closed

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